Railroad Online Audio Stream provided by SouthWestRailCams.com / Gallup Culture Center

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*Need a Free MediaPlayer, Download VLC Player from VideoLAN.org


*The files that are downloaded are .pls files for streaming audio to a Network Mediaplayer like VLC, WinAMP or iTunes for example.

In the future, we will see about offering additional formats.  Enjoy!


We are now on SCANNER RADIO for Android / iOS, please click here to find where we are: https://southwestrailcams.com/index.php/topic,5796.0.html

We are now on 5-0 Radio for Apple Mobile Devices, please click here to find where we are: https://southwestrailcams.com/index.php/topic,5967.0.html


Discussions, Feedback or Issues, please click here: https://southwestrailcams.com/index.php?action=forum#c31

New Mexico Stream


BNSF Gallup Sub: Gallup, NM Area

This feed will broadcast the following channels/frequencies for the BNSF Gallup Sub: Gallup Area in NM.

160.65000 - BNSF36 Gallu (Left Channel).
160.47000 - BNSF24 Yard (Right Channel).

Detectors Heard from this Location:
- None noted at this time.